
F o t o : M å r t e n B e r g k v i s t LACKOKINNEKULLE.SE 18 Nearby visitor attractions Varnhem and Kata gård During excavations on the hill behind the mona- stery ruins in Varnhem, archaeologists have made sensational finds that tell of the place from the time before the monks came there in the 12th century. Here is the ruin of one of Sweden’s oldest churches, a private courtyard church from the Viking Age. Vara Concert Hall Out in the countryside, the Vara Konserthus con- cert hall attracts 70,000 visitors each year with its quality stage productions. Here you can listen to symphonies that give you goosebumps, jazz that tickles your tummy, stand-up that makes you roar with laughter and theatre that brings a tear to your eye. Lake Hornborgasjön This is possibly Sweden’s foremost bird lake. Thousands of cranes can be seen dancing here every spring, but that’s not all Lake Hornborgasjön has to offer. Unique natural beauty and experien- ces can be found here all year round. Halle- and Hunneberg The plant and animal life on Halle- and Hunneberg is unique in Sweden, and the most popular among the wildlife is naturally the wild elk. These moun- tains are also known as the elk mountains (Älgens berg) and have an interesting history, being royal hunting grounds since 1351. Västergötland Museum Västergötland Museum reflects the unique history and development of the landscape over tens of thousands of years. You can check out, for example, the well-preserved Bronze Age shields and the ex- hibition about the mighty ice sheet and its impact on humans over time. DISCOVER Foto: Jonas Ingman