Kulturista - Cultural Experiences in West Sweden

C U LT U R E E X P E R I E N C E S I N W E S T S W E D E N 22 ative after your swim. Indeed, the beauty of the museum’s loca- tion is matched in intensity by its staff’s desire to remove any barriers between visitors and the art. “We want visiting the museum to be a relaxed affair. So much so that visitors should feel free to come directly from the beach, if they like. What we’re interested in is conveying our love for this place and for the art that we exhibit here and to help people feel moved by what they experience,” explains Museum Director Bera Nordal. It’s difficult not to be affected by the Watercolour Museum’s sur- roundings: the living and dynamic sea, constantly changing and radiating power and energy. The sky with its shifting hues and Here lie the sea and the rocky mounds of the coast. There lie the art and the architecture. Between nature and culture you stand, wondering where you should begin… For visitors to the museum, the combined art-nature experience begins before you even enter the gallery. To begin with, Gunilla Hansson’s installation Sjungande Invånare – a text carved into the planks – runs along the lengthy pier and on a tiny, low islet out among the rolling waves stands Wolfgang Winter and Bert- hold Hörbelt’s work, Fyren. A B E A C H - S I D E M U S E U M The museum also has its own beach and beach-front workshop to offer visitors, if you fancy trying your hand at something cre- Sea Sky Meadow Art is something more than just a painting on a wall. The way you experience works of art is influenced by the venue and context; by the architecture, natural surroundings and the scents that fill the air. The more your senses are engaged, the more deeply art can move you. Welcome to an artistic voyage bound for sea, sky and meadow! T E X T D A V I D B J Ö R K L U N D